Complete transformer substations in modular buildings

Block-modular complete devices have been designed to receive, convert and distribute electric power with the frequency 50 Hz and voltage (10-0.4 kV) in power system of enterprises, that produce, transport and converse minerals; in power systems of industrial enterprises and construction sites; as a part of autonomous power systems, based on diesel or gas-engine power plants.
Block-modular complete device is all-welded, metal, sectioned, isothermal block-module. Different electrotechnical equipment of high or medium voltage can be installed inside of the module. And this equipment, according to its function, can solve different problems of transforming and distribution of electric power, power supply and control of different machines.
JSC “Nevsky zavod “Electroshchit” produces individually designed block-modular step-up and step-down complete substations with two transformers, power capacity up to 3150 kilowatt; block-modular indoor switchgears of voltage 0.4 and 6(10) kV, all set.
Block-modular complete devices take factory acceptance tests, they are delivered to the customer all set, so they don’t need any installation work while placing it on the facility.